abiding in Christ, Family, fear, freedom, grace, hope, knowing God, ministry, pain, parenting, rest, serving, Uncategorized, Walking by Faith

Carried Close to His Heart

“The Great I AM is not frustrated by our frailties or impatient with our humanity. Instead, he willingly takes the place of a shepherd to lead with us through our earthly journey.”

abiding in Christ, Depression, Family, grace, growing in Christ, hope, knowing God, ministry, rest, serving, Uncategorized, Victorious Living

3 Reasons We Grow Weary (And What to Do When We Are )

Have you ever been so tired you wished you’d come down with a bug, just so you’d have an excuse to stay in bed?

freedom, grace, growing in Christ, knowing God, ministry, rest, Victorious Living, Walking by Faith

Twenty Questions with a Stranger

Twenty questions with a stranger

Depression, Family, fear, freedom, growing in Christ, hope, Hope in the Midst of Heartache, Loneliness, pain, parenting, rest, Uncategorized, Victorious Living, Waiting, Walking by Faith

When Depression Moves In

What happened to my joy? The question tugged at the corners of my soul as I trudged through each day. A dark cloud hovered over every waking moment. And sleep? That was a struggle, too. I had one bed-wetter and another child with night-terrors, so the sleep I did get was often fragmented and restless. How I… Continue reading When Depression Moves In

abiding in Christ, Family, knowing God, Uncategorized, Walking by Faith

Things are Changing Around Here

Things are changing around here. It’s a highlight of every year for me, the writing conference I attended a few weeks ago. I love the drive into the Blue Ridge Mountains. I love the conference center’s picturesque setting. I love connecting with old friends and making new ones. I love learning tools of the trade… Continue reading Things are Changing Around Here

Hope in the Midst of Heartache, knowing God, Uncategorized, Victorious Living, Waiting, Walking by Faith

Did We Take a Wrong Turn?

Did we take a wrong turn somewhere, God? This path we’re on is bumpier than I expected. I’m not seeing many "green pastures" or much "still water." It’s certainly not glamorous. I was kind of hoping for something more exciting, less mundane. I know You lead down “paths of righteousness,” but isn’t there a less… Continue reading Did We Take a Wrong Turn?