freedom, grace, growing in Christ, knowing God, ministry, rest, Victorious Living, Walking by Faith

Twenty Questions with a Stranger

Twenty questions with a stranger

abiding in Christ, freedom, friendship, grace, growing in Christ, knowing God, ministry, rest, serving, Uncategorized, Walking by Faith

A Matter of Focus

Sometimes I get distracted. Sunday night, hubby came home from a week-long business convention in Pennsylvania. We stayed busy while he was gone – the big kids went to STEM camp each day, our littlest enjoyed several play dates with her besties, and I wrote lots and lots of words. When the weekend rolled around,… Continue reading A Matter of Focus

Christmas, grace, Hope in the Midst of Heartache, knowing God, ministry, pain, Uncategorized, Waiting, Walking by Faith

Just a Taste

Samples. They're my kids' favorite part of shopping at Costco. (They might actually be mine, also. I'm just too grown up to admit it.) Just a taste. Enough to make you rush over to that cooler and grab your own box of goodness to take home for dinner. Jesus' coming at Christmastime was a bit… Continue reading Just a Taste


When Fear Invades

It always makes me a little sad, taking down Christmas decorations. All the tinsel and lights and evergreen beauty - even as an adult, it still seems a bit magical. But now it's over and time to get back to work. And then there's the new year. It used to fill me with excitement and… Continue reading When Fear Invades