Family, Hope in the Midst of Heartache, Identity in Christ, Loneliness, ministry, Uncategorized

When Your Child Doesn’t get the Award

Sometimes parenting thrills my soul. It's fun and rewarding to make memories with our kids. Other times, parenting is just plain hard. I'm sharing today over at Just 18 Summers about tacking one of those tough issues. It's a two-parter so be sure to check out both posts. Here's Part One And Part Two How do you help… Continue reading When Your Child Doesn’t get the Award


Redefining Success, Part 2

I will never forget the excitement of watching my babies learn to walk. Even knowing the drastic changes that come with a mobile baby, I still coaxed and bribed and urged them to try. And when they took that first step, and those wobbly next few steps, I cheered them on with heartfelt exuberance. Even… Continue reading Redefining Success, Part 2


Redefining Success, Part 1

"If at first you don't succeed, redefine success." That quote hangs on the wall at a fast-food restaurant we visited earlier this week. At first, I chuckled and thought it was just a silly quote. But the longer I thought about it, the more I realized - there is some truth to it. In fact,… Continue reading Redefining Success, Part 1